I was reading today about the vax certification situation in the Netherlands for folk vaccinated outside the EU who haven't yet got official residency papers. Very messy, especially if you don't live in Utrecht. It reminded me of your travails.
Not much to report from my bit of Sydders on the COVID front, mainly because I haven't really come out of hiding yet. It seems that if you, like me, have a an initial in your Medicare card that isn't in the MyGov records, the system goes berko and you can't get the digital certificate to attach to your NSW app. It's screwed up because of course it is. The solution is talking to an actual person on the helpline. Maybe the one who sorted you out. I'm regirding my loins to be put on hold for another lifetime. Fa la la.
I know others who’ve had the initial problem on Medicare. Ugh. We’re heading to Italy and had to fill out a declaration. At the airport just now, they asked for either the pass sanitare or “another” vax pass so I presume my Medicare certificate would’ve worked. Italian places accept the French pass allegedly. Will let you know!
Love your beautiful photos, Tim! You're transmitting the travel bug to me & it's delightful to see France through your eyes because, in reality, I probably wouldn't be comfortable to travel OS for some time yet.
It's interesting to read about the issues facing France regarding the pass sanitaire & I suspect we'll be facing something similar in NSW sooner rather than later. The media seem to be in some sort of parallel universe as far as recognising & reporting on potential ongoing issues arising from Covid transmission with children back at school this week & the great unvaxxed free to spread disease with the greatest of ease from December 1. Look forward to your Italian reports.
Thanks, Jenny, that's greatly appreciated. Understand your feelings about travel concerns: I felt it a fair bit in Italy, as you'll hear shortly. Good luck with the great reopening!
I was reading today about the vax certification situation in the Netherlands for folk vaccinated outside the EU who haven't yet got official residency papers. Very messy, especially if you don't live in Utrecht. It reminded me of your travails.
Not much to report from my bit of Sydders on the COVID front, mainly because I haven't really come out of hiding yet. It seems that if you, like me, have a an initial in your Medicare card that isn't in the MyGov records, the system goes berko and you can't get the digital certificate to attach to your NSW app. It's screwed up because of course it is. The solution is talking to an actual person on the helpline. Maybe the one who sorted you out. I'm regirding my loins to be put on hold for another lifetime. Fa la la.
Love the pics!
I know others who’ve had the initial problem on Medicare. Ugh. We’re heading to Italy and had to fill out a declaration. At the airport just now, they asked for either the pass sanitare or “another” vax pass so I presume my Medicare certificate would’ve worked. Italian places accept the French pass allegedly. Will let you know!
Bonne chance, mes braves!
Love your beautiful photos, Tim! You're transmitting the travel bug to me & it's delightful to see France through your eyes because, in reality, I probably wouldn't be comfortable to travel OS for some time yet.
It's interesting to read about the issues facing France regarding the pass sanitaire & I suspect we'll be facing something similar in NSW sooner rather than later. The media seem to be in some sort of parallel universe as far as recognising & reporting on potential ongoing issues arising from Covid transmission with children back at school this week & the great unvaxxed free to spread disease with the greatest of ease from December 1. Look forward to your Italian reports.
Thanks, Jenny, that's greatly appreciated. Understand your feelings about travel concerns: I felt it a fair bit in Italy, as you'll hear shortly. Good luck with the great reopening!
Heading to Italy in June, Tim, so will follow with keen interest.